Saturday, October 31, 2009

Currently is reading

Totto-chan by Tetsuko Kuroyanagi

"Having eyes, but not seeing beauty; having ears, but not hearing music; having minds, but not perceiving truth; having hearts that are never moved and therefore never set on fire. These are the things to fear..."

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Is it possible?

Is it possible you love your Heavenly Father, yet you ignore to love your earthly father?

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Does your clothes speak about you?

Recently I realize that I dress to impress people, to show how important I am, to show how valuable I am, to show how fashionable I am. Some people are ok about it. You dress to impress others. But some people say the important thing is your beautiful soul, not your clothes.
So, is that ok to buy expensive dress to 'upgrade' yourself? Or should we just wear t-shirt and jeans all the time?
Some say when rich people wear inexpensive clothes, somehow the clothes will look expensive. Whereas, even how hard low-economic people try to impress people on their expensive clothes, the clothes will look inexpensive. So, does it mean clothes doesn't matter?
I prefer t-shirt and jeans in terms of comfort. But my mom always asks me to dress other than those to beautify my average look. And somehow, I feel so 'cheap' when I dress up t-shirt and jeans, particularly in Medan. Medanese are so aware of their look. They always dress the latest fashion on the day. Clothes from previous trend are prohibited to wear on the current trend. You can see people are wearing the same kind of clothes everywhere in Medan when the clothes are on the trend. People judge from their look and clothes. Are clothes that important to 'upgrade' your status?
Hmm... Maybe when men read about this post, they will laugh at women for being so exaggerated about their clothes.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

How Arrogant Can You Be?

Yes, to what extent is arrogance allowed in oneself?
Not at all, a pinch of it, a teaspoon of it, or a whole world?
I myself allow it conquers over me as big as the whole world. It just eats me alive. It hinders me from being a better person, from socializing with others, from others'blessing, and especially from God's blessing on me.
I just clearly remember how arrogant I can be recently. Defining arrogance, arrogance/ pride is, depending on the context, either a high sense of the worth of one's self or one's own or a pleasure taken in the contemplation of these things, according to Wikipedia.
I tried to analyze myself from my childhood (since I am a psychology graduate, I think It's ok to get free evaluation on myself from myself) which makes me so arrogant. I can't find one. (am I being arrogant too for stating nothing's wrong with me?). But being as objective as I want to be, there's no special events that trigger me to be an arrogant person. I am an extremely ordinary person with no extraordinary wishes. But there's the deal, if I am a simple person, why do I claim myslef as an arrogant person? Haikz, I feel so confused myself.
Is it arrogant to do your best 100% till asking other's help will be your last option?
I don't think so. But many think so.
For better thought, which is more arrogant to keep doing the best you can do continuosly or to do your best at a time and leave it to The Supreme to handle?