i find several similarities between
bandung and
medan. they both don't have many places to go in town. if you want to enjoy serene place, you should go out town. both of them are
culiner city. they are famous for the food. both of their road are also filled with cars, which leads to traffic jam. my mom and i went to visit my bro in
bandung. though it was short trip, i found it quite refreshing personally.
first day in
bandung was about my bro. my mom kinda fed all of his id. she brought him to
duck king to feed his hunger id. she cleaned his room to feed his hygiene id. she brought him some clothes to feed his image id. she pampered him through and through. when i smelled the odor of envy, i flashed back to my college time and she did the same to me. so, shame on me!
hang out@rumah mode

second day we used a car rental service. we went out town. first we headed to
kampung gajah (lit. elephant's village). on the way there, in my mind
i'd prepared myself to touch and feed some elephants and when we arrived, i was totally stunned! there was no elephant! not even a baby elephant! there was only a statue! apparently it is an amusement park! fool me! i should have researched on it first. in the end, we just walked around and took few pics.
the one and only elephant at elephant's village

next, we aimed
vipassana temple. it was serene, green, and holy. in this temple, they have a unique way to foresee our future. they filled plastic glasses with coins, which must weigh the same as others, but not
necessarily have the same amount of coins in it. i guess they weigh a kg. around the main temple's wall, there are monk bowls (i didn't count how many they are). what we need to do is to fill each bowl with each coin from our glass. the remaining of the coins in our glass predicts our future.
the main temple
the bowl
the glass filled with coins
my future - i need a translator, the words are too deep
my mom and i
my bro and i ( i was tiptoeing so i didn't look so short in the pic :p
then we took a detour to
kampung daun (lit. leaf's village) to have our lunch. nice view, nice shopping items, standard food.
the cool artificial waterfall
fulled with food in our stomach, we headed
tangkuban perahu. we went down to
kawah domas (domas crater). it was an-hour-quite-tiring walk. i recommend sandals as the best partners to go down there. it is also recommended that after going down to the crater, dipping feet in the hot spring is best thing to do to avoid foot cramp or muscle tightness!
when my mom was trying some hats, i was busying taking pics with these cool cowboy hats!
the guide
i found this heart-shaped stone. sweet :)
the crater
enjoying the hot spring
oh, n0! my foot is boiling!
the day was ended by shopping at dago. but we were too tired to shop. after going in to two-three shops, we decided to eat dinner and to sleep.
third day is amusement park day! we went to the most anticipating amusement park in
indonesia, trans studio
bandung! the price is quite expensive because there were few games to play with. shockingly the most entertaining thing in the studio was the theatre. they gave an epic performance. the title was so cliche '
legenda putra mahkota (the legend of a prince)', but the performance was dramatic! i was so proud that
indonesia can perform that great! (though there were foreigners performed too - with dangerous acts, of course). overall, two thumbs up! the roller coaster was a blast too, must try!
the epic performance
it has very interesting interior designs too! 
fourth day was the last day. we went to
istana plaza (lit. plaza kingdom) to have our breakfast and to kill some time before flying
back to
overall, it was a nice trip. we didn't have chance to go to green canyon and to try some food in
bandung's unique cafes. hopefully
there'll be time for that. till then take care :)