Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Confession of a Liar

Why is it so hard to tell the truth? Or why is it so embarrassing to admit our wrong deeds?

It happened to me this morning when it's time for children to go home. Like normal days, teachers are busy sending children home. When I was busy giving children their bags, I didn't know that one girl stood behind me and when I stepped back, I stepped on her toes ACCIDENTALLY. She didn't scream or shout. But I knew sth was wrong. I looked back and I found she was stroking her toes. She seemed in so much pain but she didn't complain since she was a very quiet girl. When a teacher asked me what happened and who stepped on her toes. I didn't admit that actually I did that! It's such a minor incident, but why is it so hard for me to say 'I did it. I stepped on her toes'? I did say sorry to her, but I still feel so burdened of not telling the truth.

Gosh, now I am so embarrassed for being at the wrong side. Can I have mercy?

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