Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Source of Life

A teenager accidentally had tumbled off her bike and fell under a passing tram. In an instant, her leg was severed below the knee. The bloody, broken limb lay beside her, no longer connected to its source of life.
Christian Growth Study Bible, pg. 1244

We live in a busy world. Tightened with all appointments and events. We wake up in the morning, give grace for the breakfast, and emerge in the crowd. Back home, rest and get a sweet sleep. The next day begins, with the same activities, same duties, same responsibilities, same feeling. We exist but do we live? Fully live...

Have you ever felt that you are actually a dead man walking doing the same activities and duties? And at some points, you stop and ask, "why do I do this? Oh, it's because that's what I normally do. This is my life." And you go back to that dead-man-walking mode.

At one point, you finally get the feeling to break all the boredom. You wanna chase after the freshness and sweetness of life. You pack all the things, ready to break out. But there is something missing. The gist. The fuel. The source of your life. What is it?

I know I'm not the one who feel this. There are billions of millions of people who feel the same. When I feel this, I know where to go. I go back to my source of life, to connect my life to Him. Because I know I can't stand away from Him too long, otherwise I'll die. He is my source of life. He is the Ruler of the heaven and earth. He is my God. What about you?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Making Dolls 101

Here's the result from one of my holiday resolutions.
Interested to make one?

What do I need?
1. Felt/ Flannel fabric
2. Scissors
3. Thread and Needle
4. Beads
5. Cotton: Dacron
6. Glue gun

How to make?
1. Make pattern of the doll that you want to do. Make sure you use thick paper so you can get nice print and it can last long.
2. Copy that pattern on the fabric. Cut it.

3. Put beads as eyes, you may a bead as the nose too. Use "tusuk tikam jejak" to make a big smile (I don't know how to write tusuk tikam jejak in English. When I google translated it, the translation was "stab stab trail"! XD).
4. Connect the fabric by using "tusuk feston". Make sure that the colors of the fabric and the thread are same.

5. When you almost finish connect the fabrics, put in the cotton. Then continue sewing to the end.
6. Connect the head with the body. Using glue gun with be easier rather than the normal glue. However, using glue gun can be very technical. Don't put too much glue though.

7. Enjoy your doll.
I'm quite impressed. They are my first hand-made dolls.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A Bowl of Noodle and A dog

It's a drizzling day. The weather was nice for anyone to have a nap. But I didn't. It's a weird habit that I develop throughout my holiday. I don't nap.

I finished cleaning my house. The second floor only. And I got so exhausted. I got this silly idea because I hate mopping floor. Mopping uses up all my energy to clean other parts of the house, that's why I dislike it. So, here's the silly idea. After I swept the floor, I poured some water on it. Then I used squeegee (the word I just learned) to clean the floor and remove the water (yeah, that's basically the function of it) and next I gently mopped to make sure that the floor is really dry. But in the end I actually wasted more energy. It's a dumb strategy after I think all over again. But I'm happy that I have one clean floor.

I took a rest for a while after the cleaning session. I watched Marley & Me movie on Star Movie. And I couldn't believe I watched this movie for so many times and I still cry for so many times. Somehow, I don't know why, it triggered me to my family. I miss them. I miss some yelling and teasing and the crazy non-sense noises.

I made myself a bowl of Korean instant noodle for lunch and I ate it at the door until I surrendered to the heat of the bowl. So I went up and enjoyed the noodle with a movie as a garnish.

In the end of a good day, I'm grateful that I have Lucky today. Accompany me through a good lonely day.

Vote for the "amazing" photo?

Hmm... I got these pictures on the first day of my holiday. I see them quite "impressive"? Hmm... ok, "unique in its own way", to be safe :p

My dog, Lucky, in an afternoon. He always yawns.

I got this butterfly picture in Cemara Asri swimming pool.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

My Apology and Condolence

I've been ignorant these past years (almost a decade!) on September 11 incident. I knew something huge happened, but I didn't give any specific attention on it. Until yesterday I watched this show-My 911, on National Geographic, as memoriam to the victims. And with all my heart, I'd like to say sorry to all the families and friends who died on Sept 11, 2001. May all the souls rest in peace. I think it's better late than never.

I paid huge respect to all passengers on Flight 93 who bravely took control over the plane even though they knew the consequences of their action. It doesn't mean I don't respect other passengers from other planes, no sacrifice is higher than another on that day. All people - police officers, fire fighters, pilots, doctors and all medical workers, reporters, photographers, volunteers - who contributed are heroes to date.

I also particularly paid respect to this dog, Salty. A dog helped a blind man, Omar Rivera, to get out from the tower although his master had sent him free because the emergency stairs were too crowded for him. But Salty came back and sticked to his master until they both got out from the tower.
Salty is awarded as one of animal heroes

Omar Rivera with his new dog after Salty has been put to sleep forever

One of reminders for us to eradicate terrorism.
It is a great video by Jonathan Wong.
Music: The Fray-How to save a life.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Popped-up Resoulution?!?

I didn't put it in my previous entry as one of my holiday resolutions. But I think I amazed myself today. Irene lent me her novel. I thought I'd put it on my table and let it stay there till the end of holiday and returned it to her without even flipping through the pages. But weird enough I actually opened it, out of boredom, and finished it in three hours! I never ever ever ever finished reading a book in a day! So I give myself a standing ovation.

It's a very light book, telling a simple-predictable story. It's in Indonesian. A very solid point why I can finish it in a day. Nevertheless, it's interesting enough to keep me read it, and giggle at the humors, and "gregetan" at some pages.

I recommend this novel if you have some free time and if you don't wanna sweat or squeeze your brain (No sarcasm here). It's a very chick novel.
Four Seasons in Belgium by Fanny Hartanti

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Holiday Resolutions!

I feel so blank this holiday. No plan. No feeling. No excitement. But I don't wanna waste it. Time flies fast, really fast. And I'm done with looking back and regretting what I've missed. So, I start my holiday by making some resolutions.
Time given: 10 days.
  • Make two crafts: Caterpillar doll and Bunny doll
  • Take an "amazing" photo from extraordinary world
  • Write an "amazing" post out of my ordinary life
  • Finish reading half of Bible (targeting the short books)
*amazing is relative. It is subjective to my satisfaction.

Targets are achievable , I guess. I will update on my achievements! :)
Happy holiday! Happy Eid ul Fitr! :)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

2-day Shopping Thoughts

My sis came back for holiday. She and my parents are going to Spain for holiday. Assessing her wardrobe, we really believe she needs SHOPPING! So, as the only girl who can drive and shop, I was elected to be their chauffeur. I drove them wherever they want to shop and was honoredly asked to be their fashion adviser. My advise was taken seriously, by my surprise, as you can see my own style will be harshly criticized by high-end fashion doers.

Two-day shopping was tiring. I am still young and I love traveling, but if you ask me to go shopping when I have no intend to buy a thing would be a very tiring activity (except for giving advises although it isn't easy). My legs easily got tired while we were adventuring to find good clothes. My thoughts while my sis and mom busy shopping:

1. Females choose short-term-used item (clothes/bag/shoes). We (including me) choose items that too expensive-and-outstanding-and-short-lived goods (if I may use the words) which we will get bored soon and throw both money and item. We are delighted to find cute and unique item so that people will notice we have something new.
Study case: "A" bought a doll-pictured-with-sharp-color shirt which people easily notice and praise how cute she is when she wore it for the first time. The second time she wore it, she is still cute. The third and fourth times, she looked childish. Finally she decided to end the shirt's life.

2. Females are indecisive. We tend to choose a beautiful item which does not match our personality. Confusedly, we still spend a quite time to think whether it's ok to force it to ourselves. For me, it's ok that we have some items which we don't normally wear. It adds surprise to our lives. However, if we force something which way too far from our personality. It's wasting money!
Study case: "B" bought these pairs of studded-gray shoes which cause her to look double her age. She wore them once. And for the rest of those shoes, they spent it inside the box.

Recently I am learning to restrain myself from buying short-lived items. It's hard. But Hopefully in three months, I'm collecting long-lived items. Hopefully.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Time flew fast, betta watch out!

I think tonight's gonna be Merrier!

It's Saturday again! I realize that I didn't post a single thought this week. But never mind!

My sis is coming back for holiday today. My mom is gonna have one more person to enslave her :P But I think my mom is just ecstatic! I got the feeling that tonight's gonna be a good nite!