Thursday, September 16, 2010

Making Dolls 101

Here's the result from one of my holiday resolutions.
Interested to make one?

What do I need?
1. Felt/ Flannel fabric
2. Scissors
3. Thread and Needle
4. Beads
5. Cotton: Dacron
6. Glue gun

How to make?
1. Make pattern of the doll that you want to do. Make sure you use thick paper so you can get nice print and it can last long.
2. Copy that pattern on the fabric. Cut it.

3. Put beads as eyes, you may a bead as the nose too. Use "tusuk tikam jejak" to make a big smile (I don't know how to write tusuk tikam jejak in English. When I google translated it, the translation was "stab stab trail"! XD).
4. Connect the fabric by using "tusuk feston". Make sure that the colors of the fabric and the thread are same.

5. When you almost finish connect the fabrics, put in the cotton. Then continue sewing to the end.
6. Connect the head with the body. Using glue gun with be easier rather than the normal glue. However, using glue gun can be very technical. Don't put too much glue though.

7. Enjoy your doll.
I'm quite impressed. They are my first hand-made dolls.


cavy said...

Make some and post to me, can? They're CUTE!! haha...


i want too~ i want too~ make one for me and make another more to pek har! we're waiting your present...

Unknown said...

Haha... ok ok. Lemme see whether I can make your face. Don't hope too high though.

Surely I will post it :)

trishalavittae said...

Impressive!! They are really nice and cute!!

Unknown said...

Hehe... Thxs! :D

Good to know you check my blog too :)